Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Day 20 - A bump in the road in Delhi

Not a lot to report today. After a good night’s sleep I woke to the sound of a thump outside our 3rd floor window do I went to investigate. There, sitting on the back half of our ancient air-conditioning unit, no more than 18 inches from my nose was an eagle with its breakfast! Since we’d arrived at the hotel I’d  seen many eagles circling high above the lane-ways of Karol Bagh. Their cry from on high is quite distinctive also. Well, this chap got as big a surprise as I did and off he went, breakfast firmly grasped in his talons.

Kerry has tweaked something in her calf area on our last day in Kochi and yesterday afternoon it starting to give her some trouble walking. Since we’ve got a couple of days in Delhi we thought it best to take the opportunity to have it seen to by a professional. I googled “Physiotherapist in Karol Bagh” and found a dozen to pick from. They were all listed on a service called “Practo” – great service. We chose one who was a little further away because she was a woman, had 16 years experience and ran her own practice that specialised in physiotherapy. The Practo website showed all her free times, the cost of the consultation (800 rupees (AUD$16.00)) and let me make a booking online. Good thing I now have an Indian SIM as the booking process needed to send a one time security code to me to confirm the booking. We chose the 1:30pm slot.

Down at the hotel reception, the concierge arranged a car and driver for us (not a taxi). The driver took us for our appointment and then waited to bring us back again. Essentially, we were paying 1800 rupees (AUD$36.00) for up to four hours of his time. A quick examination by the Physio confirmed that Kerry has tweaked her Achilles and spent the next hour receiving treatment. To give us the best chance of recovery we’ll be back there again tomorrow and the next day for more treatment. Let’s hope it’s successful and we’re not hamstrung for the second part of our trip which starts early Thursday morning.

Not surprisingly the remainder of the day was spent doing absolutely nothing! Tomorrow we might leverage the driver’s time and go and have a bit of a look at some other Delhi landmarks.

Nothing to photograph today.


  1. Oh Kerry! I'm very sorry to read that you've hurt your Achilles. I sincerely hope that it is feeling much better quickly.
    Awesome to have an eagle visit you!

  2. Great photos, made your daily recount of the trip much more vivid.
    Hope you feel better soon Kerry and keep enjoying your trip.
    PS: So, does the 'culling' you did in Kochi mean that you will be buying more stuff on the second leg of your journey to bring back home? : )


Day 45 - The journey back home

Emily and her house-mate Alex met us outside the hotel at the agreed time of 8:00am. Up Spencer St, Emily had booked cafe where we enjoyed a...